You are receiving calls from your employees that the company credit cards you asked them to use when they travel are being declined, yet the expense statements at the end of each trip don’t show that those employees exceeded the limits you authorized. What is going on? This problem usually manifests when you have several crews in different locations. Employees can suffer untold frustration when they get back to their hotels after a hectic day and they are delayed because the credit card can’t be debited at check in. Normally, a hotel will place a hold on a credit card for an entire stay plus some extra money to cover incidental expenses like parking fees and laundry services. That credit card hold will only be lifted after your crew checks out and the hotel deducts the actual expenses incurred. However, the time needed to release the card hold varies and may overlap with the hold imposed by the next hotel where your crew lodges. Such overlaps can cause the credit cards to be over the limit, and the frustrations described earlier will result for your affected employees. Do you have someone to receive the frantic calls from your employees regarding those check in issues? Is that person capable of arranging other sources of funding to solve the dilemma of your employees whose company cards have been declined? saves you all those headaches since we create an expense account so that hotels don’t place holds on the company credit cards issued to your employees. Your employees will therefore have the funds on their cards for addressing other needs, such as car rental fees and fuel. The employees at your office will also be spared from the added responsibility of providing administrative support to the crews in the field once CrewFacilities takes charge of handling employee travel.
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